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Nature tourism, ecotourism and family tourism are a form of tourism that is very respectful of the environment. Therefore, they are an excellent complement to other sectors such as cultural, gastronomic and even “sun and beach” tourism, contributing to the deseasonalization of the tourist offer due to the fact that in each season the interpretative features (natural and cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible) can be presented in a different way.

“Turisme al Paratge, en Clau de F” is a product that wants to promote the natural and cultural resources of each territory and, in a special way, we will deal with issues related to the “key of F” in each territory. The 5F are:

F for “Feminismo” (Feminism). By vindicating the role of women in their environment and their legacy through the stories that we make tourists live. Interpreta Natura considers it essential to approach the interpretation of heritage from a feminist and transformative perspective that promotes equality among people.

F for “Factible” (Feasible). Sustainable for the environment, both social and natural, where the action takes place.

F for “Felicidad” (Happiness). That which a visitor experiences when enjoying an interpretive action.

F for “Facilitar” (Facilitate). The emotional connection between the tourist and the natural and cultural heritage that he/she is visiting and must be preserved.

F for “Fomento” (Promotion). Development of municipalities and territories in a sustainable manner, especially the most disadvantaged ones, such as the rural areas that are facing depopulation and the demographic challenge.


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